Update Info

Release [ 2002-06-28 ] provided the following program changes ...

IN GENERAL: As with the previous release, this update includes extra DLL files that normally would not be included, causing the size of this update to double in size (21Mb). We will include these new DLL's with future updates for about a month to make sure users that routinely keep up with updates automatically get these required DLL files. Thereafter, future updates will revert back to normal 9Mb update files. The ability to manually download required DLL's will then be provided this web page for those users who missed previous DLL updates.

NOTE: If the size of this update would make downloading it an inconvenience, let us know by emailing us a request for an update CDROM. These new DLL's have solved printing problems and report exporting problems. Tenant Payment Summary printing problems have also been fixed.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: The RD 1930-7 Project Budget, line 17 - Other Utilities, Column 4 - YTD now displays the amount properly.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: HUD-50059 TTP rounding issues have been fixed.


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