Update Info

Release [ 2005-09-09 ] provided the following program changes ...

IN GENERAL: Added - RA/Subsidy Amount to the items listed in the Tenant Certification History window .. Added - Eviction in Progress notation ability to the Miscellaneous window in Unit Data .. Revised - The Find - Unit Data window with more entry detail .. Revised - The Unit Data - Preview window by expanding displayed areas .. Revised - The Find - Tenant Certification window with more entry detail .. Revised - The Tenant Certification Data - Preview window by expanding displayed areas.

ACCOUNTING CHANGES: Added - The words "Eviction in Progress !!!" will be displayed in red in the A/R Tenant Payment Entry window when selecting to Add a New Payment for a tenant that is in the process of being evicted ... Added - The ability to print custom check formats (Pre-Printed & MICR) to the Check Printing Process - Setup window.

RD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Replaced - RD 1930-7 Project Budget (Page 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6) forms with the February 2005 RD 3560-7 Project Budget form release (RD has yet to release the official RD 3560-7 form version) .. Added - Exempt Income Indicator and Date of Original Project Entry codes to the EDI file format which are now sent with each RD 3560-8 Tenant Certification to MINC .. Added - Eviction in Progress as an available tenant change that can be electronically submitted to MINC .. Revised - The RD 3560-29 Notice of Payment Due (Project Worksheet) to automatically recognize when a tenant, with an expired certification, is in the process of being evicted so that penalties (Overage) normally assessed are suspended .. Added - A simplified Assign RA option to the Unit Data window .. Added - The new RD 3560-12 Request for Authorization to Withdraw Reserve Funds form as an RD Financial Reports menu option.

HUD SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Entry Validation of Move-Out Date when move-out resulted from death of sole family member.

LIHTC SPECIFIC CHANGES: Added - Louisiana Schedule II to the list of available State specificTax Credit Analysis reports.

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